Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unfortunately, I will have to substitute 2014's Thanksgiving picture of our family in place of new 2016 photograph. Instead of sitting around the table with eleven others, I am tucked into my bedroom recliner, blogging with you all! I will enjoy my turkey platter when my dear husband and kiddos return later this evening, but, for now, I am enjoying the peace and quiet that an empty home can provide.

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, even as a child, when the gifts and extra week off of school used to be the big bonuses for kids to claim Christmas! Each year, my family would drive north to Ohio, from Tennessee or North Carolina, depending on where we were living that year. My extended family lived up in Ohio - aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. On Thanksgiving day, we would drive over to my Dad's parents' house to have the meal with whatever family could come. My little brother and I would play with cousins, inevitably getting into something we probably shouldn't have, and eating more sweets in that one day than we would have since the previous year!

All that being said - I associate Thanksgiving with being amongst family, the more the better. Yesterday, I was going to blog about pet peeves of the pen (which I still will do another day), but I just couldn't get past being sick for the holiday. Unable to swallow without pain, choking on tonsil stones and snot making their way down my throat, and sounding like a bass instead of soprano just was killing my Thanksgiving week buzz! Today, I woke up feeling even worse in the throat, but happier. Maybe it is the contagion of joy that is the day of Thanksgiving…although, the Florida sun and warmth through the shades certainly doesn't hurt! Trying to take that positive thinking to even further steps is the realization that it is impossible to over-eat when I can't swallow too much food to begin with, right?
I will stop being so stubborn and go to the dr. tomorrow, breaking my avid vows to stay off the streets on Black Friday!

Although this was the long way of saying something simple - Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

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