Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"Some assembly required," or not...

Another geek peek here - I love to build things! My mother's father was a carpenter/builder and my mom's brother is still…amazing works of beauty, sketched-glass laced together with intricate woodwork and stone. Maybe it is in my genes, but I love to build!

I ordered a six-drawer tall/narrow dresser last weekend. The high ratings and perfect size, with "some assembly required" - I was sold. It arrived yesterday in a very tall and heavy box - way too narrow for anything to already be assembled. Hm. Apparently "some assembly required" means that I didn't have to measure and cut the wood, or drill little holes in various parts of the planks. I enjoy a challenge and was armed with screwdrivers and a hammer, so I read the directions. It was 6 pages of pictures, all incredibly vague with nothing labeled…but, neither was any of the wood or hardware! Going by hole positions, shapes of wheels, and sizes of screws, I began. 

If the pieces had been labeled and a FEW words of explanation offered, It would have shaved a good hour off the process. Two hours, a pinch bruise on the left pinky, blisters on the thumb, and a lacerated pointer finger later, it was complete. It turned out great and I really love it, but I must say two things. One - "some assembly required" isn't accurate. It should have read, "All assembly required, but don't worry - we cut the wood and have all the hardware. Labeling is absent and directions are vague, but you can do it!" 

Two - the builder and klutz genes collide into a physical oxymoron. Inserting a large zinc cam into a wooden hole shouldn't be an accident waiting to happen…but a misplaced pinky finger in the push? Yep.  Additional injuries, klutz related and occurring during the build - a toe was stubbed on a plank and ankle bruised; however, that is just me…walking around the labyrinth of wood and hardware! It is a recipe for disaster when the klutz picks up a hammer and nails! :)

Not the best picture - but, walah! :)

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