Sunday, January 1, 2017

Pet peeves of the pen…unbelievable resolutions...

"That is completely unbelievable!!" What?!?!

This is a plot related pet peeve of mine - writing oneself into a corner so tight that only an unbelievable resolution would dislodge it. When the only possible resolution is reliant on the supernatural or unrealistic scenario is the only way out, we have a problem!

"Surrounded by flames on all sides, billows of smoke clouding any possible helicopter rescue, I am going to die by fire in these woods." (Wait, that character is in the next part of the story - he can't die!) "Is that a ghost I see before me or an angel to mysteriously lead me through the half-mile of burning trees and underbrush?" (Or, even better) "Look, is that a horse I see, coming towards me - one that I might ride through the fire to safety?"

Ooookey! Instead of making the fire completely surround the character without a plausible way of escape, why not make the fire almost trap the character, leaving a clear point of exit? No, no, no - that wouldn't be dramatic enough - drama over realism. Blech!

I suppose that this type of pet peeve can't be applied to certain genres, though. Fairy tales and certain science fiction and fantasy stories are based off the unbelievable. Take Sleeping Beauty, for instance. In reality, there is no way that the entire kingdom would still be alive, let alone still looking as young as they once were after 100 years passes and the prince delivered the magical kiss. But, that is the beauty of a fairy tale. I exclude those from this rant and aim it primarily on stories based in realism, our reality. Take that same story and put it in the present, saying Aurora was in a coma. Setting aside the fact that no one has been kept in that state for 100 years, even if it were fifty years later when she awakes, she wouldn't be the same petite blonde that fell into it - she would have wrinkles and most likely gray hair, not to mention muscle atrophy!

With all that said - write reality…pen plausibility…create credibly, please!

I believe this all could have been avoided had the three bears, Mr. Green, and Mr. Red just told Mr. Blue to find another sock instead of merely suggesting he get something from the undergarment drawer!

(I meant to post this over a week ago - you know, when stockings and Christmas were still going on? But a house full of sick derailed that intention…big time! Happy New Year!)